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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  March 5, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> now at 5, it is election day in california. the state's crowded senate race is one of the most high-profile races on
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the ballot and the most expensive senate race in california's history. thanks for joining us tonight on kron. 4 news at 5. i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow. kron 4 is your local election headquarters. more than 2 dozen candidates are competing for a chance to fill the late senator dianne feinstein's seat tonight. >> kron four's just just in. waltman is in the newsroom with a closer look at that california senate race just seen grant well, there are 4 major candidates emerging in this race will start with democratic congressman adam schiff. he has been is considered the front runner through much of this campaign and he went to a voting center in his bourbon district this morning to cast his ballot. ship was a member of the first impeachment trial of donald trump and a member of the january 6 committee of the area's voting. congresswoman katie porter voting in orange county over the weekend. the single mom and former consumer advocate reiterated her campaign pitch that the people of california are frustrated with washington and career politicians and want to senator that will do things
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differently. we also have former dodgers star and republican steve garvey. he's had very few public events and is not paid for any tv ads. his campaign tells us that he voted by mail. a recent poll from uc berkeley, the institute of governmental studies showing garvey has a slight lead with 27% support of likely voters. but considering the margin of error, he's basically a tie was shift for first. we also have our congresswoman properly of oakland. she voted in socal yesterday. this was at san fernando high school where she was once a student. she is campaigning as an accomplished progressive fighter for california with a quarter century in congress and she could be the only black woman in the u.s. senate if elected. so the top 2 finishers in the primary regardless of party move on to go head-to-head in the general election in november. for that next six-year term that starts in january. get to vote on 2 different things. one person who's going to take the race
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from november to january to fill the partial term. and then also that full 6 year term, there are 2 choices on the ballot. send it back to you will be very interesting to see how this race shapes up. justine, thank you. just a few minutes, we will be live from barb release campaign office. keep it here for that. governor newsom and first lady jennifer, among many voters up in sacramento casting their ballots today. this is the >> california museum voting center this afternoon. >> and san francisco mayor london breed as one of many voters turning in their ballots today. this is at the department of elections in city hall this morning. one of the big primary elections says what the turnout is going to be. that's one of the big story lines were following san francisco typically has a higher turnout than most other counties in california. yeah. dan kerman kron four's dan kerman is alive at san francisco city hall now with
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more on that one s in the state and the statewide average. will that happen tonight? we're not so sure there's been a flurry of activity. we can show you some video of people dropping off their ballots both inside and outside also people coming into it city hall to cast their ballots. as of this morning, there were 120,000 ballots already turned that's about 24% turnout. but the average for a presidential primary is about 49%. and it's possible that we could still get their depending on the baalots that come in today. as for issues, lots. that's what is on the minds of san franciscans. everybody has a different topic, but they are concerned about. this tape out for prop one that would you know, brick and mortar for homeless veterans some mental
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health, potential mental reform. i think that's very important to me. the san francisco. >> prop 8 housing bond. i think it's very important to one of the things that's important to me the fact that we have so many homeless people on the street. >> just making sure that we get leaders that are in place that are doing the business of the people, the housing. >> getting the people off the street, getting them into treatment.
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to pass. that's the latest here at san francisco city hall. >> live i'm dan kerman. back to the studio. all right. we'll have to wait and see what happens there. dan kerman, thank you. and voters across 15 states are heading to the polls today. >> to pick their candidate for president. our dc's raquel martin joining us live raquel, how significant are tonight's results? >> good evening. well, it's the most significant night so far this election cycle early polls are showing it may not be a good night so far for nikki haley. our decision desk projects for a president former president donald trump. >> of the winner of both north carolina and virginia primaries. >> millions of republican voters across 15 states and
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one territory are making their choice for the gop candidate for president says about the american people. in her final campaign stop before super tuesday, gop candidate nikki haley urged her supporters in texas to cast their votes. we all have a chance to make our voices heard. but if you believe the polls, haley is in for a disappointing night. the polls say former president donald trump is leading haley by 50 to 70% depending on the state and is already looking forward to a rematch against president biden beating. >> president biden in almost every poll, president biden is painting a different picture. i pulled over last guys on him but faces some opposition within his own party. i voted i'm committed tuesday. more voters are promising to follow michigan's lead where more than 100,000 people voted uncommitted. the protests over the president's handling of the war in gaza. i think the biden campaign really wants to nip this uncommitted voter in
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the. >> political analyst tom belts as super tuesday's results, we'll provide fresh insight about what voters are thinking and it may be haley's last 2 wrong in all likelihood will probably looking at the end of the haley campaign after super tuesday. now over the weekend. leave out to remain in this race. as long as it stays competitive. >> but it does not look like we're going to hear from her tonight. and so far there is nothing her schedule for tomorrow. for now in washington, raquel martin, back to you. guys were tell, what could tonight's results mean for the balance of power in congress? >> well, there are several significant races taking place tonight and there is a very sleeves are thin margin in both the house and the senate. one race that has national attention is what's happening there in california. we know there is a democrat in a republican gunning for the late senator dianne feinstein's seat. it also we know the former speaker of the
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house kevin mccarthy seat is also up for grabs. will be interesting to see how everything shakes our call. martin live for us in washington, d.c., tonight. thank you. >> you can join us tonight for live results from around the bay area, the state and across the country. a special edition of kron. 4 news begins tonight. at 8 o'clock in prime time. >> hope you join us and thanks for being with us now as we take a live look outside here on this tuesday election day. and that is the view from sutro tower pointed towards the coast today. it looks like some scattered showers for some folks bits of sun. it was one of rollercoaster days. mixed bag out there. lawrence. know keep you from voting that for sure. we're not going rain out out there, but you might want to grab your umbrella if you're headed out there go do some boating this evening in looks like a scattered showers may just linger for us a little bit longer outside tonight. >> you see some of the clouds fairly dark in all this, especially in the north bay,
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just some pop-up showers around the bay area. that has been the case as it looks like we're going to see what looks like an unsettled weather pattern, least for the day here as we're going to see more, the showers popping up around the bay area. so you can see why that are low pressure spinning off the coastline and that low is what's bringing us the scattered showers outside. it looks like most of the energy from that system, what it's like for the south and this us and as it does, we're going to see what looks like so much change as we look at a long way forecast. but for now, those scattered showers continuing around the bay area popping up, in northern california. the showers rolling on through. but overall, we're going to see what looks like a changeup had long i think that's when everything begins to change. >> we're going to see the changes what does we're going to see a return to some sunshine, some warmer weather late in the week, but not now, but just keeps going on out there showers, even some snow showers in far northern california. the bay area just some widely scattered showers. and that's what i mean, if you plan on heading out to vote, don't let the showers stopped.
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really just widely scattered and mostly dry. so head out the door this evening, the showers likely to continue into the evening hours. in fact, temperatures stay fairly mild generally in the 50's. and i think a return to some a pop-up shower for tomorrow. that area of low pressure just going slide down the coastline close enough not to bring us a ton of rain, but still a couple raindrops in the forecast through tomorrow. what will happen after that? we'll talk more about that coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you, lawrence. coming up, stranger danger near an east bay elementary school. the warning for parents this evening. >> and a chilling case, an east bay man is accused of killing hisow many people have showed up to vote here.
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>> from president to dianne feinstein's replacement, a bay area races and proposals. kron 4 is your local election headquarters and we have you covered this super tuesday. force theresa is live for us tonight in contra costa county at the voter registration office to reset. we've had many hours so far to pivotal mo
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pandemic. a lot of votes went out. so it's now on mail-in situation. are you saying that to be kind of the point now the state? yes. so since 2020
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we've about 90 to 95% of our boats come back to us. vote by mail about half are secure drop boxes and half in the u.s. postal service will have to wait over the next week or so to be able to give you the exact figures for this but we are expecting the vast majority of our votes to come but by now. >> we have heard that's the primary sometimes is not as energized as a presidential election. is that kind of? >> you know, looking into your crystal ball? is that kind of been the situation here that the turnout so far in this election is lower than we planned for. we had expected more of the 2016 eur twenty-twenty type of turnout. it's trending. >> more toward like 2012 where we you know, where is turnout was in the 30's in lots of places across california. and so we as of yesterday, just a little over 17% of our ballots had been returned by our but we're hoping to a big in what we returns that we see from
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today and that we will receive in coming days again in california. you set out to be postmarked by election day and received up to 7 days after election by which is why it takes us. well, the count last question i want to ask you, as far as you know, people coming in, can be in the hallway at 8 o'clock. we have to be in line at the polling place. so they have to be, you know, they have to be acknowledged by the poll workers. so, you know, week is what we do is we lock our secure drop boxes at 8 o'clock. and we close our polling places at 8 o'clock. but if you're in line at a polling place, you will be allowed to vote for the light. >> under election code. absolutkinds all our processes. lot work to we will toss it back to you guys. theresa, thank you. mean time in san francisco, manny's has long been the place where voters and politicians alike. >> gather for election results. and this year they're election day countdown clock
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is back. that's where we find kron four's rob nesbitt this evening. rob. >> here. man is in san francisco where they're very excited for the november election already, even though it's super tuesday right now behind me, you can see their election countdown clock that they had about. we've got 245 days, 2 hours. 42 minutes. 23 seconds and counting before the november election. but of course, this is super tuesday were a lot of people are voting in the primary and many as it has several political events that the usually host here and they're going to be doing an event tonight to basically show the clock showcase it revealed. we're getting like a sneak preview now and we're getting a sneak preview. thanks to the woman behind the clock or so. thanks, ruth. long for joining the eu or been here all day. ruth working on it. we snuck up behind you and say, hey, can we get some shots and talk about this clock? so what are you excited about revealing the election? countdown clock here, ruth. >> i mean, at whatever i'm
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working on people come by. and they they they're like, oh, i've got an election story. are there like, oh, i don't want to write of that like it really has an impact of the people. so i'm i'm excited to see it out in the world. >> primary today, right with voting. you're actually canadian. you were telling you so you can vote in the primary. you do live here now in san francisco. so what is your message to people when it comes to how important getting out on a day like today is to vote as somebody who he's unable to. >> yeah, i miss voting. i miss voting and i think that everyone who can shed. >> with this election, a lot of people are paying attention to close election for people trying to get dianne feinstein see, of course when you're looking at the primary today, what we you know, what are your talking with people about, you know, seeing their voting stickers? what is important to them? we've been paying attention at all to today. i know the countdown is for the next one. but today's primary. >> yeah, i'm very impressed that a lot like people seem to be very aware of the election that's going on right normally
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people, you know, only vote for the presidential, but we'll walk by the clock and they're like it's wrong. there's an election today. so i'm very happy to see with the election day. and the clock to this clock was supposed to be for a previous election, correct? >> that's right. it was first made some some of my friends. it knows, but hacker space for 2020 election and they made it its before the election. it kind of down. and then it wasn't made last longer than that. so i picked it up and here we are and many who owns manning's, of course, is very popular around the city. but you actually have a little deal with him in order to even have the clout coming about that. >> my deal with many is that he would make a kid's face at his restaurant. so he's got a play pen and toys. >> and a baby that they take it every thursday at 11:00am. there's parent and kid hang out and in exchange i would fix this election captain clock. and that's that's an initiative that i have with my friend. we were just so we thought that it was so lacking in francisco. the amount of space is where you could do you know, regular adult social
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things while having your kids with you and your kids having a place where they can play and do their own thing as well. and so we've been making this happened in san francisco. that's joyful parenting s dot com. so he got the space for you with that. and therefore, you promise to fix the clock. you did. you were talking earlier about how it wasn't exactly easy. obviously, when something is. >> year-round there's maybe some water damage to. so what did you have to do to even get this up today and running? >> yes, when we first started, we thought we just have to, you know, change the wifi password and just picks up some small things. but it had a lot of what damage we had to replace a lot of the ladies. i'm i'm working on weather proofing it right now. so hopefully it'll last longer than did last time. you've been busy. i want to let you get back to work, but thank you root for talking with me in kind of sharing the story with us. everyone is going to be excited is on the let's see a street, of course, right outside of many. so if you're driving by, you're going to see this election countdown clock. they're going to have an event tonight at 07:00pm. we're going to unveil it to the public. folks want to come down and see it for the south just to get a excited about the next election. of course. >> the super tuesday today people get excited about and let me do a check. 245 days. 2 hours. 38 minutes. 44 seconds
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and counting for the november election. back to you guys. all right, rob, we will continue to see you all night long here. >> on kron 4. thank you. >> meantime, california voters will only decide one the statewide ballot measure today. proposition one is a 6 billion dollar bond measure that would reform the mental health system in our state. still ahead, we'll have a live report from the state capitol on when or what it would mean if it is approved. >> today we're learning new details about a fatal shooting involving sonoma county sheriff's deputies. santa rosa. police say 53 year-old jose cervantes was killed in a shootout with deputies yesterday. the santa rosa resident was said to be in possession of an ak 47 style rifle when a deputy tried to contact him. this was shortly after midnight yesterday near todd road in standish avenue just outside santa rosa. they say cervantes got out of his car and started shooting at
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the deputy deputies fired back. and then there was a car chase which ended with cervantes crashing his car. he died at the scene for deputies were hurt and one is still in critical condition. the investigation into all of this is ongoing. >> coming up, kaiser is cutting dozens of jobs in the east bay. what we know about these layoffs. >> and finally, the a's really renderings of their proposed las vegas ballpark. the latest las vegas ballpark. the latest on what they say is to come. ♪♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within.
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serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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>> the a's have released new renderings of the proposed ballpark in las vegas. and this thing looks a lot different from previous renderings. take a look. the ballpark. would be built on the site at the tropicana hotel, which is set to close in april to prepare for demolition capacity would be 33,000 people. so small ball park in the team says it would have an outdoor feel. with views of the vegas skyline. the ballpark's jumbotron would be the largest in major league baseball if this comes to fruition. the thing is set to open for the beginning of the 2028 season will >> kaiser permanente is reducing costs by slashing dozens of jobs in the east bay. the layoffs will impact 50 information, technology positions. 49 of those employees are in pleasanton. one is an oakland know union represented employees are impacted by this move. in a statement to kron 4 kaiser
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says, quote, it is important to note none of these changes will affect the quality of kaiser permanente's patient care and service, which is always our primary focus. >> matt is collection of social media and messaging apps are back working tonight after a nationwide outage earlier today. the issue started about 07:00am. facebook users were locked out of their accounts while instagram users could not refresh their feet. the outage also affected met is messenger and threads apps more than 575,000 outages were reported. a spokesperson for the white house national security council said they were monitoring the incident and are not aware of any malicious cyber activity, at least at this time. >> one of the bay area's oldest residents is now more than 100 years old
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>> welcome back to continue to follow today's elections across the country in california, in particular statewide, one big race, california's crowded senate race is one of the most high profile on the ballot. >> and the most expensive senate race in the state's history. more than 2 dozen candidates competing for a chance at the late senator dianne feinstein's seat to the 4 major candidates emerging in this race. democratic congressman adam schiff, irvine congresswoman katie porter, a former dodgers star republican steve garvey. and congresswoman barbara lee of oakland. because lee is running for the u.s. senate.


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